Thursday, May 31, 2012

Eucerin Giveaway Winners Announced and a Thank You!

First off, I'd like to apologize for my absence lately - I've been busy, busy, busy, so I should be back to my regular schedule after this week. (My birthday is Saturday - yay!)

Secondly, I'd like to mention that I received some e-mails last week that were sent through my contact form on my 'contact me' page, but no e-mail address was provided for any of the messages, so unfortunately, I couldn't respond to them. If you sent me a message through my contact form and didn't get a response, please send me a message letting me know (you don't have to type the whole message over again). I am now using a new contact form where it is mandatory to provide a return e-mail address. I apologize for any confusion!

As for the giveaway, I'd like to thank all of those that entered. I am so appreciative of all of the feedback I received, and it was incredibly helpful! I'm in the process of changing things up a bit so you can navigate my blog easier, become a little more involved and provide the content you are the most interested in! As always, thank you for all of your support and your kind words! You guys are the best!

All qualifying entries were counted (there were a few after the deadline) and the winners were chosen using

-Urban Bedou Girl

All three e-mails were provided, so I will e-mailing each of you shortly! 

Thank you again for entering, and there will be more giveaways very soon!

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