Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lots of Makeup on Clearance at Walgreens!

If you're a regular at your local Walgreens, be sure to stop by the Cosmetic aisle and take a look at the products marked with a bright orange sticker. Many products are marked from 50-75% off. I didn't want to go crazy and purchase on impulse, but I picked up a couple of things at a ridiculously low price.

I can't remember everything, but I recall seeing Rimmel Clean Finish Foundation, L'Oreal Eyeshadow Quads, Maybelline High Shine Color Sensational Lipsticks, L'Oreal Magic Souffle Foundation, Covergirl Nature Luxe Foundation, Revlon Cream Eyeshadow Quads, certain shades of assorted Revlon Foundations and lots more!!

I have no clue how the system works, and if the products are only being removed from Walgreens or if the products are being discontinued everywhere. If anyone has any insight on this, let me know! I went to CVS last night and none of the items I saw at Walgreens were on clearance. I'm wondering if they're making room for new products that brands typically launch at the end of the year and start of the new year.

Also, I went to two different Walgreens locations and some products were marked clearance that weren't marked at the other location. Locations can differ, so if you're planning on picking up something that you know should be marked, try having a cashier scan it at the register. Some stores are just behind on marking things.

If you stop by, let me know what you found!

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