Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jewelmint Pomander Pendant Review with Lots of Photos!

jewelmint pomander pendant

Jewelmint Pomander Pendant

I know I've featured a lot of Jewelmint this month, but I swear, this will be it for a while. Or, at least until January. I was looking at the Pomander Pendant for a while, and decided on getting it before it's gone. It's currently "almost sold out".

The Pomander Pendant features a 32" antique gold/brass coloured chain, holding a perforated sphere, that opens and closes with a magnetic clasp. The sphere is meant to hold a small piece of fragrant cotton, and when worn around your neck, you should be able to smell the scent as you go about your day.

Jewelmint says, "Don this piece with your signature scent and make a lasting impression whenever you leave a room."

I think it's an adorable design and idea, and a piece that can be very sentimental to many. You can put any scent that makes you happy; your favorite perfume, your significant others cologne, a fragrance that reminds you of a parent or loved one, etc. You can even "test" out a fragrance you've been eyeballing, by spraying a little bit on a piece of cotton at your local dept. store.

jewelmint pomander pendant review

jewelmint pomander pendant review

jewelmint pomander pendant review

I love the fact that every once in a while when I'm going about my day, I'll catch a whiff of the fragrance. I can't help but grab the pendant here and there to smell it.

An overall really cool piece to own.

50% OFF Your First Purchase

Check out Jewelmint HERE.

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