Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review: Hollywood Fashion Tape!

Hollywood Fashion Tape 

Hollywood Fashion Tape is a double-stick tape that can be used on the body and/or clothing. It's said to be gentle on the skin, hypoallergenic and will not leave a sticky residue behind.

When I was working in the office, safety pins were my best friend for covering up any cleavage that my dress shirts may expose. It was probably the most annoying thing in the world to be running out the door to work, realizing that my shirt may be too low-cut, or the slit in my skirt may come up too high. I'd be fumbling at each stop light, wishing to get stuck by a train - but it always seems like when you want a red light, you get nothing but green, right? Anyway, I'd be pricking myself with the pin all the way up the stairs before reaching the office, only to have a visible metal pin showing from my neckline. Whatever. It was better than being "Chesty McChesterson" at the front desk. I tried a couple of double-stick tapes, but they weren't sticky enough and didn't do the job - especially when I had a tight fitting shirt (I needed something more like crazy glue to keep them shut.)

The tape is pretty versatile and you can use it in so many different ways. Aside from your neckline, you can use it to cover up the gaps between buttons on a dress shirt, to hold your bra straps in place, to keep your loose fitting blouse from falling off your shoulders or to temporarily fold over/under your pants that are too long (temporary hem).

The tape is really easy to use. For a quick fixer like the images below, you won't need the full piece of tape. Just snip it in half and peel off the backing. Then, place it on the fabric that is hidden once your shirt is buttoned. *Try your best to place it in the correct spot without having the tape exposed, to avoid removing the tape and trying again, as it may lose some of it's stickiness and become less effective. Remove the remaining backing. Line up the fabric that will lay on top of the tape directly above the tape (so it's not touching) to make sure you're laying it straight. Holding the fabric taut, place it on the tape and press firmly.


Hollywood Fashion Tape

I think the tin can packaging is really cute. It's small, lightweight and ideal for travel. If you're one of those girls that has everything and more in their bag for a "what if?" moment, then you need one of these. (I'm that girl, by the way. You need Tylenol? Midol? A Band-aid? Hand Lotion? Dental Floss? A Pen? No problem!) I'm sure they'd come in handy at some point for you or your girlfriends.

If you'd like to minimize the junk in your bag, you can simply just carry a few pieces of tape in your wallet or side pocket.

I haven't used this tape in any other way other than with a few of my dress shirts, but it works like a charm and keeps my shirt closed for the full work day.

Hollywood Fashion Tape is sold at for $8.99.

And say no to free shows. ;)

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